Source (All Credits To Hitesh Choudhary sir)
What is Mobile Development?
In Simple Terms, Mobile Development refers to the process of creating software applications to run on Mobile devices. PlayStore for Android and AppStore for IOS Here we keep our Mobile Apps.
Is there any demand for Mobile Development?
Yes, there is continuous rising demand for mobile developing. As you can see almost every company or individual have Web and Mobile APP as well.
Is it neccessary to learn Web Development first in order to learn Mobile Development?
No, You can start with Mobile Development. While there are similarities in between Web and Mobile Development but there are distinct disciplines with their own set of technologies,framework and best practices.
Hardware requirements to start with mobile developing?
RAM - 8gb minimum (16gb recommended)
ROM - atleast 10gb free
Operating System :
Windows, Linux or Mac can be used for Android Development
MacOS is necessary for IOS Development